Discover the best solutions
for the Recycling sector
Volumetric dosage
Gravimetric dosage
Transport and feeding
Production rejects in the moulding, extrusion and thermoforming sector, which are used in a wide variety of applications, need to be reused and therefore their recovery in the production cycle is key.
More than 100 million tonnes of plastic are produced every year worldwide for the most diverse applications. As a result, post-consumer reuse, recovery and recycling is a priority of our time.
At Engin Plast you will find a wide range of dedicated recycling products and solutions.
Engin Plast s.r.l.
Via Per Zerbinate, 29/A
44012 Bondeno Fe – Italy
Tel: +390532897178
Fax: +390532896365
Progetto realizzato grazie ai Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna